A wide variety of easy riddles along with their answers. Sometimes (or in most of the cases) the answers are in front of you, in the text of the riddle so make sure to triple check the given riddle so that you can find the correct answer!
It is where kings, queens, knights and bishops go to war together.
It is something you make after you've weighed your options.
People in love are often bound to this.
What is something you can give away as many times you want without ever losing it?
It is in every mountain, it's not in any hill, it's not in all the world, and yet it's in the mill.
What do roses, chocolates, laces, love knots, the color red and hearts have in common?
It is hate and has hate in it, but it isnโt hate.
Thanks for such treasures as Mariachis, enchiladas and habanero!
Temporary evidence of where you've been strolling
It's what light turns into in the night
It is a gruesome form of betray.
What word do all dictionaries spell wrong?
This is the drinkable phase of matter
A natural tattoo on babies
It is a form of plastic money.
It flows out of the soil, It burns you if it boils, And holds us in its coils, More valuable than gold, As black as it is old.
It flavors your food and divides the year up. What is it?
What is always coming but never arrives?
This is meat from the upper part of a pig's leg salted and dried or smoked, often enjoyed in a sandwich.
When is 1500 plus 20 and 1600 minus 40 the same thing?
What is lighter than what it is made of?