A wide variety of easy riddles along with their answers. Sometimes (or in most of the cases) the answers are in front of you, in the text of the riddle so make sure to triple check the given riddle so that you can find the correct answer!
What has a hundred limbs, sometimes leaves, but cannot walk?
Passed from father to son and shared between brothers, its importance is unquestioned though it is used more by others.
The buyer doesn’t want it, the producer doesn’t need it and the user doesn’t know their using it.
One who has offended the government and has been detained by it
One strand dangles. Two strands twist. Three or more can fashion this.
The profession of Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton
They can be long or short; they can be grown or bought; they can be painted or left bare; they can be round or square.
One am I, among six others: Largest, smallest, cold, dark and two brothers
Once you have it, you want to share it. Once you share it, you don’t have it. What is it?
Old people and owls are said to be this.
The lunch destination of choice for teenagers and hospital employees.
Old Mcdonald had this
The more you look at it, The less you see.
What Botox will do to your expression.
Often found in doctor's offices and pirate flags
They come out at night without being called, and are lost in the day without being stolen. What are they?
It’s so fragile even just saying its name can break it. What is it?
Not my sister nor my brother but still the child of my mother and father. Who am I?
Not a comb or a brush but makes the hair feel plush. What is it?
Noah survived one and it was great
What do ghost serve for dessert?