I'm full of holes, yet I'm full of water.
There is one word that stands the test of time and holds fast to the center of everything. Though everyone will try at least once in their life to move around this word, but in fact, unknowingly, they use it every moment of the day. Young or old, awake or in sleep, human or animal, this word stands fast. It belongs to everyone, to all living things, but no one can master it. The word is?
A man went to the hardware store to buy items for his house. 1 would cost $.25. 12 would cost $.50. 122 would cost $.75. When he left the store he had spent $.75, what did he buy?
I fly, yet I have no wings. I cry, yet I have no eyes. Darkness follows me. Lower light I never see.
I am nothing really at all, Yet I am easily found; Ignore me at your own peril, and you might end up crowned!
Break me and I am better immediately set and harder to be broken again.