A muttered rumble was heard from the pen, and I, in my walking stopped to look in. What was this I saw? A massive beast, hoofed, and jawed. With spikes upon its mighty brow, I watched as he struck the turf and prowled. And yet for all of his magnificence, he couldn't get out of that wooden fence.
What types of words are these: madam, civic, eye, level?
A precious stone, as clear as diamond. Seek it out whilst the sun's near the horizon. Though you can walk on water with its power, Try to keep it, and it'll vanish within an hour.
Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
If you're stealing honey, be prepared to receive vengeance in this form.
Why is the letter B always cool?