I am pronounced as one letter, written with three. I come in blue, black, brown, or grey. Reverse me and I read the same either way. What am I?
Although a human shape I wear, mother I never had. By every miss I'm valued much, still my cruel fate is such by boys I am often despised. What am I?
I repeat only the last word you say. The more I repeat, the softer I got. I cannot be seen but can be heard. What am I?
I am flora, not fauna. I am foliage, not trees. I am shrubbery, not grass. What am I?
Iām hard as a rock and as light as a feather. Iām passed on to one another. Poor people need me and rich people have me.
A cowboy rode into Friday. He stayed in town for three days and rode back on friday. How is that possible?