When does 4 - 1 = 5 ?
What can you stick between a 3 and a 4 so that the result is more than three but less than four?
How can you throw a ball 20 meters, and have it come back to you without hitting anything?
The director of a company wakes early for a morning flight. He realises he forgot some papers at work and goes there. In the office he meets the night watchman, who is leaving for home. The watchman stops the director, tells the director he shouldn't fly. "I had a dream last night," the watchman says. "I saw you crash." He takes the director's hand. "I saw you die sir. I saw you die." The director heeds the advice and sure enough the goes down. The next day the director returns, gives the watchman a generous bonus. Then he fires him. Why?
On which day of the year do fewest people die?
If you count 20 houses on your right going to the store and 20 houses on your left coming home, how many houses did you count?