Left to right Iām quite bright. Right to left I might bite.
Although I'm not an insect, some people found me very difficult to exterminate. They called me something like 'insane priest.' The first half of my name means the same as 'scrape,' & my last three letters are a metal. Who am I?
At night I come without being fetched. By day I am lost without being stolen.
My first is in wield, sever bones and marrow. My second is in blade, forged in cold steel. My third is in arbalest, and also in arrows. My fourth is in power, plunged through a shield. My fifth is in honor, and also in vows My last will put an end to it all.
I love to dance and twist and prance. I shake my tail, as away I sail. Wingless I fly into the sky.
Why is the letter B always cool?