Plow and hoe, reap and sow, What soon does every farmer grow?
My first is in wield, sever bones and marrow. My second is in blade, forged in cold steel. My third is an arbalest, and also in arrows. My fourth is in power, plunged through a shield. My fifth is in honor, and also in vows. My last will put an end to it all.
I am a box that holds keys without locks, yet they can unlock your soul.
When Iām metal or wood, I help you get home. When Iām flesh and Iām blood, In the darkness I roam.
I'm sometimes white and always wrong. I can break a heart and hurt the strong. I can build love or tear it down. I can make a smile or bring a frown.
Almost everyone needs it, asks for it, gives it. But almost nobody takes it.