A horrid monster hides from the day, with many legs and many eyes. With silver chains it catches prey. And eats it all before it dies. Yet in every cottage does it stay. And every castle beneath the sky.
I am free for the taking. Through all of your life, though given but once at birth. I am less than nothing in weight, but will fell the strongest of you if held.
A detective who was mere days from cracking an international smuggling ring has suddenly gone missing. While inspecting his last-known location, you find a note: 710 57735 34 5508 51 7718 Currently there are 3 suspects: Bill, John, and Todd. Can you break the detective's code and find the criminal's name?
What can bring back the dead. Make us cry, make us laugh, make us young. Born in an instant yet lasts a life time?
It happens when something has been cut with H2O.
Break me and I am better immediately set and harder to be broken again.