My first is in riddle but not in little. My second is in think but not in brink. My third is in thyme but not in time. My fourth is in mother but not in brother. My last is in time but no t in climb.
My first is a heir; My second's a snare; my whole is the offspring of fancy; which I sent out of play upon Valentine's day As a token of love to my Nancy.
I am enjoyed with a pot and some pointy sticks.
People walk in and out of me. They push me and I follow. When they walk out on me I close up and I stay waiting for the next person to walk into my life when I have a more open mind
I fly to any foreign parts assisted by my spreading wings. My body holds an hundred hearts Nay I will tell you stranger things when I am not in haste I ride and then I mend my pace anon.
Almost everyone needs it, asks for it, gives it. But almost nobody takes it.