I am the thing which everyone has, I consider myself Beautiful and Full of Joy, But the way I am treated Boy O Boy. I am mostly there but no one notices me, I try to prove my worth but nobody’s there to see. They say I Suck, that I resemble Hell, But when I am about to go then it rings their Bell. Some consider me terrible and Hard, But when I am lost they send their Regard. Many don’t realize I’ll not be there Forever, That I will return Never. But it’s already too late to say goodbyes When I flash before their eyes.
Temporary evidence of where you've been strolling
What has keys but no locks, Space but no room, You can enter but you can’t exit.
Tomorrow's yesterday. Yesterday's tomorrow. What is it?
Tickle with your fingers and a song it will sing. Be careful, though, you may break a string. What is it?
Sugar on a stick. The kids love licking them