A wide variety of easy riddles along with their answers. Sometimes (or in most of the cases) the answers are in front of you, in the text of the riddle so make sure to triple check the given riddle so that you can find the correct answer!
It weighs next to nothing but no one can hold it for long. What is it?
Environmentalists want to keep this from drying.
It comes from crystal and melts to a treat. Add it to your tea to make it sweet. What is it?
Mountains will crumble and temples will fall, and no man can survive its endless call. What is it?
What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast?
Edible items purchased in large quantities.
Nothing specific, but more than a few. This many clustered, together will do.
Precious stones in a pack of cards.
Dry though I may be, I am still a sea.
The day is their night and the night is their day, when I shout and they shout back I run away.
Doing this with your job can be risky but doing it with smoking is always a good idea
What is the end of everything?
What is full of holes but still holds water?
What starts with the letter T, is filled with T and ends in T?
Defends your noggin from the hard pavement
Something you carry while singing.
Deep, deep, do they go. Spreading out as they go. Never needing any air. They are sometimes as fine as hair
Cut the wrong wire and it goes boom
My second is performed by my first, and it is thought a thief by the marks of my whole might be caught.
I saw the dead bring forth the living. I saw the living bring forth the dead. What did I see?
I tell people to be careful when handling boxes.