I heard of a wonder, of words moth-eaten. That is a strange thing, I thought, weird. That a man's song be swallowed by a worm. His blinded sentences, his bedside stand-by rustled in the night - and the robber-guest. Not one wit the wiser. For the words he had mumbled.
The barber of New York shave all men in New York. No man living in New York is allowed to shave himself. The barber of Nee York lives in New York. Who shaves the barber ?
I love to dance and twist and prance. I shake my tail, as away I sail. Wingless I fly into the sky.
I dig out tiny caves and store gold and silver in them. I also build bridges of silver and make crowns of gold. They are the smallest you could imagine. Sooner or later everybody needs my help. Yet many people are afraid to let me help them.
I have a title and many pages I am a genteel of genteel descent I am a killer veteran of war I am a slave to my lord Pledged to his service.
Why is the letter B always cool?