They can be harbored, but few hold water. You can nurse them, but only by holding them against someone else. You can carry them, but not with your arms. You can bury them, but not in the earth.
My coat keeps me safe From damage that’s near. I cause you happiness, sadness, Anticipation and fear. On the outside, I am put under judgment of price. But my insides have far more value That not even MONEY can suffice.
What goes in, but never through? I've got some and so do you. We might lend one, or even two, but only if our trust is true.
My first is in window but not in pane. My second's in road but not in lane. My third is in oval but not in round. My fourth is in hearing but not in sound. My whole is known as a sign of peace. And from noah's ark won quick release.
Fuels backyard get-togethers
Bury deep, Pile on stones, My mind will always Dig up them bones