It holds most knowledge that has ever been said. But is not the brain, is not the head. To feathers and their masters, it's both bane and boon One empty, and one full.
Long and slinky like a trout, never sings till it's guts come out.
My first master has four legs, my second master has two. My first I serve in life, my second I serve in death. Tough I am, yet soft beside. Against ladies cheeks I often reside.
What is up that’s also down? What’s a smile and a frown?
As destructive as life, As healing as death; An institutioner of strife, Just as prone to bless. It is all that is good, Yet with an evil trend; As it was the beginning of things, It can also be the end.
Special abilities and brightly colored underwear are all you need to be one of these.