Five men were eating apples, A finished before B, but behind C. D finished before E, but behind B. What was the finishing order?
My first is in blood and also in battle. My second is in acorn, oak, and apple. My third and fourth are both the same. In the center of sorrow and twice in refrain. My fifth starts eternity ending here. My last is the first of last, Oh Dear.
As round as an apple. As deep as a cup. All the king's horses can't pull it up.
What turns from red to black as soon as it touches water?
A horrid monster hides from the day, with many legs and many eyes. With silver chains it catches prey. And eats it all before it dies. Yet in every cottage does it stay. And every castle beneath the sky.
Almost everyone needs it, asks for it, gives it. But almost nobody takes it.