I am pronounced as one letter, written with three. I come in blue, black, brown, or grey. Reverse me and I read the same either way. What am I?
There's not a kingdom on the earth I haven't traveled over and over and though I know not whence my birth yet when I come you know my roar. I through the town do take my flight and through the fields and meadows green and whether it be day or night I neither am nor can be seen.
As a state in the USA, I am round on both sides and high in the middle. What am I?
I am the best thing that can happen after a stick hits a ball.
I run through hills. I veer around mountains. I leap over rivers and crawl through the forests. Step out your door to find me. What am I?
A cowboy rode into Friday. He stayed in town for three days and rode back on friday. How is that possible?