A wide variety of easy riddles along with their answers. Sometimes (or in most of the cases) the answers are in front of you, in the text of the riddle so make sure to triple check the given riddle so that you can find the correct answer!
What flies forever, rests never?
What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
What fastens two people yet touches only one?
I am the thing which everyone has, I consider myself Beautiful and Full of Joy, But the way I am treated Boy O Boy. I am mostly there but no one notices me, I try to prove my worth but nobody’s there to see. They say I Suck, that I resemble Hell, But when I am about to go then it rings their Bell. Some consider me terrible and Hard, But when I am lost they send their Regard. Many don’t realize I’ll not be there Forever, That I will return Never. But it’s already too late to say goodbyes When I flash before their eyes.
What falls down but never gets hurt?
What eight letter word has "kst" in middle, in the beginning and at the end?
What does an old tan broken down house wear outside?
What gets broken without being hold?
What type of drink is usually added to cereal in the morning?
What do you have in December that you don't have in any other month?
What do you call the mother-in-law of your sister's husband?
What do we see every day, kings see rarely, and God never sees?
What shoes should you wear when your basement is flooded?
You are owed one of these when someone wrongs you
What dentists battle on a daily basis
where do turkeys dance
Ms Red lives in a red house, Mr blue lives in a blue house, Ms pink lives in a pink house, who lives in the white house?
What comes with your car, but travels more than your car?
What comes in many varieties and can't be seen or touched, but it often makes you move?
What cleans as it gets dirty only to get clean the more you use it?
I can be found in water but never wet